Stock varies from hour to hour, delivery statuses are regularly posted on the site. Delivery time: 5 days from the day of payment of the purchase price All orders paid by 1 pm are processed on the same day and delivered within 5 working days (exception Saturday, Sunday). Follow the stock under the description AVAILABILITY.
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Vrtna otroška hiška Meeko s toboganom

Sold Out Vrtna otroška hiška Meeko s toboganom


Vrtna otroška hiška Meeko s toboganom

Vrtna hiška Meeko s toboganom


Otroška hiška Meeko je popolnoma nov izdelek na evropskem tržišču za leto 2017. Otroška hiška Meeko, je narejena iz vzdržljivega lesa cedre, ki je odporen na različne škodljivce, plesen in druge nevšečnosti.



Višina 233 cm
Dolžina 349
Globina 255 cm
Igralna višina 58 cm
Širina verande 80 cm
Širina verande 180 cm

Debelina sten otroške igralne hišice je 15mm, debelina tal 38 mm.

OPOZORILO: Samo za domačo uporabo. Otroška hiška je primerna za otroke 3-7 let. Možnost zadušitve z majhnimi deli.

Sestavljanje te otroške igralne hišice je enostavno in odrasli osebi po priloženih navodilih za sestavljanje vzame približino 130 minut. Otroška igralna hišica ima okna narejena iz pleksi stekla, okna in vrata na tej vrtni igralni hišici se zapirajo z magnetom. Igralna hišica zadovoljuje najstrožje varnostne standarde in ima certifikata EN71 in TÜV. Hišica za otroke nosi tudi oznako FSC, ki zagotavlja odgovorno ravnanje z gozdovi (izdelki s to oznako prihajajo iz gozdov, kjer so izpolnili socialne,gospodarske in ekološke potrebe sedanjih in prihodnjih rodov).

OPOZORILA: Hišica zaradi majhnih delcev (v nesestavljeni obliki) ni primerna za otroke mlajše od 3 let. Hišico mora sestaviti odrasla oseba. V nesestavljeni obliki obstaja tudi nevarnost da pride do poškodb z ostrimi delci, zato naj bo izven dosega dojenčkov in majhnih otrok.

NAVODILA ZA VARNO IGRANJE: Ne dovolite otrokom, da bi se igrali brez nadzora odrasle osebe.Plezanje po hišici in igranje na strehi hišice ni dovoljeno. V hišici se lahko hkrati igrata dva otroka naenkrat in en odrasli (max teža, ki jo prenese je 150 kg).

NAVODILA ZA SESTAVLJANJE: Hišico sme postaviti le odrasla oseba. Hišice ne postavite na trdo podlago kot je asfalt, saj lahko padec s hišice otroku v tem primeru povzroči resne poškodbe. Za hišice, ki so od tal dvignjene več kot 60 cm, mora biti v obsegu 1,5 metra okoli hišice mehka podlaga - kot je recimo trava ali pesek. Hišico postavite na ravno podlago in naj bo najmanj 2 metra oddaljena od drugih objektov kot so recimo stene hiš, garaže, ograje..

MATERIAL: Hišice so narejene iz lesa cedre, ki je naravno odporen na morebitne škodljivce in vremenske nevšečnosti in nosijo pečat FSC, ki zagotavlja odgovorno ravnanje z gozdovi (za vsako posekano drevo proizvajalec posadi novo drevo). Zaradi zagotavljanja dodatne zaščite je bila hišica premazana s premazi na vodni osnovi, ki so povsem neškodljivi za ljudi ali okolje.

VZDRŽEVANJE: Priporočljivo je, da na hišici vsaki dve leti obnovimo zaščiten premaz na vodni osnovi.

DODATNA OPOZORILA: Padec s hišice lahko pri otroku povzroči resne poškodbe, zato upoštevajte navodilo, da hišici zagotovite mehko podlago (travo, pesek..) Pooblaščeni prodajalec in proizvajalec izdelka nista odgovorna za padec s hišice. Hišice so namenjene individualni rabi in ne množični uporabi v šolah ali vrtcih. Les je naraven, živ material, ki se pod vplivom razmer lahko spremeni.

Navodila in varnostni nasveti

Navodila za sestavljanje

Only for domestic use.
Not suitable for children under 3 year. Možnost zadušitve z majhnimi deli.

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The assembly of this children's playhouse is easy and the adult takes the approximate time of 100 minutes according to the instructions for assembling. The children's playhouse has windows made of plexiglass, the windows and doors on this garden house are closed with a magnet. The playhouse Akela meets the strictest safety standards and has the EN71 and TÜV certificates. The children's house also carries the FSC label, which guarantees responsible forest management (products with this mark come from forests, where they meet the social, economic and ecological needs of current and future generations).

WARNINGS: Playhouse contains small particles (in non-assembled form) and is not suitable for children under 3 years of age. The playhouse must be assembled by an adult. In the non-assembled form, there is also a risk of damage with sharp particles, so it should be out of the reach of infants and young children.

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: Do not allow children to play without the supervision of an adult. Climbing around the house and playing on the roof of the house is not allowed. In the house, two children can play simultaneously and one adult (the maximum weight it transfers is 150 kg).

ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: Only an adult can assemble the house. Do not place the playhouse on a hard surface such as asphalt, as the fall from the house may cause serious injury to the child in this case. For playhouses that are raised from the ground more than 60 cm, a 1.5 m level around the house must be a soft base - such as grass or sand. Place the house on a flat surface and be at least 2 meters away from other buildings such as walls of houses, garages, fences ..

MATERIAL: The playhouses are made of wood of cedar, which is naturally resistant to possible pests and weather inconveniences and bears the seal of FSC, which ensures responsible handling of forests (for each tree planted the manufacturer is planting a new tree). In order to provide additional protection, the house was coated with water-based coatings that are completely harmless to humans or the environment.

MAINTENANCE: It is advisable to restore a water-based coating every two years on the house.

ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: The fall from the house can cause serious injuries to the child, so keep an eye on the instructions to provide the house with a soft base (grass, sand ..) The authorized seller and manufacturer of the product are not responsible for falling from the playhouse. The playhouses are intended for individual use and not for mass use in schools or kindergartens. Wood is a natural, alive material that can change under the influence of the situation.

Stock Status

Delivery time: 5-7 days from payment


For home use only. You can install the toy in your backyard. Not suitable for shopping centers, hotels, kindergartens, schools, parks, public casinos, guesthouses, restaurants, etc. You can buy the playhouses for public use here.


We know that celebrating a birthday is an important event for you and your child and that you want a gift in the shortest possible time. The gift can reach you within 5 days from the day of payment of the purchase price, unfortunately delivery is not possible earlier, as our warehouse is in the Netherlands. The proforma must be paid the same day.

Christmas Orders

Orders for Christmas and New Years Eve: Stock varies from hour to hour, delivery statuses are regularly posted on the site. Delivery time: 5 days from the day of payment of the purchase price All orders paid by 1 pm are processed on the same day and delivered within 5 working days (exception Saturday, Sunday). Stock for Christmas and New Year's Eve is limited and varies daily. Follow the stock under the description AVAILABILITY.

  • Brand: AXI (Nizozemska)
  • Product Code: AXI-MEEKO
  • Suppliers availability: Sold Out
  • 1,659.89€

Tags: otroške vrtne hiške, vrtna igrala, vrtne hiške, zunanja igrala
